“The relationship we have with our bodies is the longest and most important one of our entire life. Your body will do its best to never leave you. In all likelihood, you will be the one to leave it.  Let’s act accordingly.”


Forest walk near Seattle, WA

Offerings WITH Johanna

Lymphatic Drainage

Gentle lymphatic drainage massage encourages the drainage of lymph vessels, nodes and movement of lymphatic fluids around the body aiding in the removal of waste and toxins from body tissues.

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Strain Counterstrain

Strain counterstrain (SCS) is a type of indirect osteopathic manipulative soft tissue technique used passively to treat both chronic and acute pain, decreased range of motion, and somatic dysfunction by facilitating a shift in propioception and interrupts the cycle of adaptive shortening in the tissue.

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CranioSacral & Myo/neuro-fascial

Craniosacral (CST) therapy is a hands-on technique that uses gentle touch to release tension in joints and various levels of fascia passively. It is a body-led approach that aids in the restoration of natural rhythms. Johanna has mentored with Dawn Schmidt and taken classes with Einat Arian at Bastyr.

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